Wine Glass Lamp Shade

So as you all know I am a Pintrest addict, I admit it, and even if there were a 12 step program for it I am not sure I would attend it!!!  Anyway so the other day I am scrolling through and see these wine glasses with tea light candles in them and a lamp shade on it!  I think, huh, that’s pretty cool that would be awesome to do for an outside patio party, or a nice dinner where you just want to set the mood, you know or a way to use the 750 million wine/drink glasses you have because when you got married your sisters husband was an engineer at Libby glass and she took you shopping with his discount for one of your wedding presents!!!  Just sayin, I love my sister!!!!  🙂  Anyway I digress, so I click on this pin to see what it’s all about and it is an advertisement for you to buy 10 of these little lamp shades for $15!!!!  I am not even gonna share the pin with you because that is just crazy talk right there!!  So I think ok I’m gonna google wine glass lamp shades to see if someone other than me thought it was redonkulous to spend that much money on something that I could make for ummmmmmm FREE!!!!!  Yep free, you know we all have stamp sets, we all have printer paper, we all have scissors, glue, and Vellum.  So anyway I google and come across several but they were all adapting real lamp shade to fit and that is all fine and dandy but not what I wanted.

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